Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is the money that the government gives to our school to help our children in our school from less affluent backgrounds. The money is allocated to all schools with pupils on roll that are known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM ). For every child on FSM the government will provide school with extra money which is in addition to the main school funding we receive. As a school we have the freedom to spend the Premium, in a way that we think will best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils.
The pupil premium at Lindley is used to support our most vulnerable children in a variety of ways:
- Intervention work for small groups of children who are known to be underachieving
- Extra curricular activities
- After school clubs
- Enrichment activities
- Free school uniform ( a polo shirt and cardigan or sweatshirt)
As this money is allocated to any family who is entitled to free school meals, it is really important that you register even if you do not claim the free school meal. This money is really important to school and enables us to provide children with activities that otherwise we would not be able to afford.
Children in Care and Adopted Children
Government Funding:
From April 2014, schools in England can receive funding for children who were adopted from care or who left care under a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) on or after 30 December 2005. Schools can also claim the funding for children who left care under a Residence Order (RO) on or after 14th October 1991. To claim for this funding for adopted children, and those who are the subject of a SGO and RO, parents will need to inform the school and provide supporting evidence, for example, the Adoption (Court) Order. Unfortunately as a school we have no access to this information and need parents to self-declare that their child/ren was/were adopted (or are the subject of an SRO/RO) . We would like to reassure all parents/carers that all the information about your child will be treated in the strictest confidence and would like to thank you for all your continued support.