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Click the Kirklees Council logo to go to their website on how to apply for a Primary school place for your child and Timetable for Admission for September 2025.



Admission Consultation for 2026-2027

The consultation period has now closed, thank you to those families who have taken to the time to provide feedback to school on their views of the removal of the three Church Oversubscription Criteria from our Admission policy.  The Governing body have met to review feedback received.  Given the comprehensive views received they have taken the decision to not proceed with the proposed removal for the 2026-2027 Cohort.  They will meet over the forthcoming months to review the best way forward and will communicate with families again in the Autumn term of 2025 any changes would then taken effect/be consulted on for the 2027-2028 cohort.  Any queries please contact Miss Hellewell.



The closing date for applications is the 15TH JANUARY before your child will commence Reception in the September (the school year that they turn 5 years old).

Appointments to come and look around school are available between September and the beginning of January.  Please contact the school office to book onto a tour of school.


Parents are requested to complete the Primary Common Application Form (PCAF) online through Kirklees Council School Admissions website - 

Apply for a primary school place | Kirklees Council

Please note, parents seeking the admission of a child under category (2, 3 & 6) of our Admissions Criteria will need to submit a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) signed by their own clergy to support their application. 

Please note the following dates for completing your appliction :


Applications made from:

Closing Date :

Start Date:

1st Sept 2020 – 31st Aug 2021

1st September 2024

15th Jan 2025

Sept 2025

1st Sept 2021 – 31st Aug 2022

1st September 2025

15th Jan 2026

Sept 2026

1st Sept 2022 - 31st Aug 2023

1st September 2026 15th Jan 2027 Sept 2027

Our Governors may ask to see the following documentation during the application process: 

Birth Certificate for the child being registered.

Recent Utility Bill or Bank Statements showing parent's full name and current home address of where the child is living.
Official document showing child's name living at the registration address which can be one of the following official documents: NHS Medical Card, Child Benefit Statement, Working Tax Credit Statement or Child Trust Fund Voucher/Letter.

The School Governors will meet to review all applications and determine allocation of places after the closing date of 15th January. The Governors will try to meet parents' wishes whenever possible. Final decisions cannot be taken until it is known how many places will still be available at the school after the needs of those who clearly satisfy the Governors' conditions have been met.
Your Local Education Authority will confirm your child's allocated school place on 16th April, before your child is due to start in the September (this is the National Offer Day for Primary School places).


As part of the Co-Oridinated Scheme for Admissions, parents wishing to transfer a child to the school after moving into the neighbourhood during the school year, or without changing their address, will need to complete an In-Year Common Application Form (ICAF) through the Kirklees Council web portal.  A decision about places should then be issued within 15 school days. 

Please click the link below to access the Kirklees website for in year applications.

Changing school during the school year | Kirklees Council


Where the Governoring Body is unable to offer a place because the school is over subscribed, parents have the right to appeal to an Independent Admission Appeal Panel, set up under the School Standards and Framework Act, 1998, as amended by the Education Act, 2002.  School Admission Appeal Panels must follow the law when considering an appeal.  

Appeals for this school will be held as an Infant Class Size Appeal as the Law states that there must not be more than 30 Children in an Infant Class (Reception, Year 1 and 2).  There are limited circumstances in which a child may be admitted to a class over the 30 places and are classed as an 'exception', the Government has listed these circumstances and they include: multiple births, children of armed services parents, looked after chldren and children who have special educational needs (Please refer to the DFE School Admission Code 2021 for full explanation - School admissions code - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)).

Grounds for an Admission Appeal would have to show that the decision was one which in the circumstances, no reasonable Admission Authority would have made, or that your child would have been offered a place if the Governors’ admissions arrangements had been properly implemented.  It is the Appeal Panel's task to review the allocation decision already made and must consider whether:

  • Admitting another child would breach the Infant Class Size limit;
  • The Admission arrangements comply with the admissions law;
  • The Admissions arrangements were propery applied to the case;
  • The decision to refuse a place was one which a reasonable authority would have made in the circumstances of the case.

The grounds to test 'reasonable decision' are high and an Appeal Panel would need to be sure that to refuse a place was 'perverse' or 'outrageous' and for that reason panels rarely find an Admissions Authority's decision to be unreasonable.  In this type of Appeal, the Panel can only consider the above areas and does not have the flexibility to take into consideration your personal circumstances as to why you feel that your child should have a place. 

Parents who intend to make an appeal against the Governing Body’s decision to refuse admission must submit a letter addressed to the Clerk for Appeals, outlining their reasons for the appeal, within twenty one days of receiving the refusal letter.  

Deadline to submit appeal requests for Reception September 2025 intake is Wednesday 14th May 2025. Normally round appeal hearings will be held within eight weeks of the closing date for receiving the letter of appeal.  

Please contact the school office for further details on the appeal process. 

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