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Welcome from the Head Teacher

Thank you for visiting our website. We have a very successful and happy school that is held in high regard by the local community and where our children tell us they are happy, secure and enjoy learning. The school has been judged as good by Ofsted after the school underwent a full inspection in May 2022 - click here to read the inspector's report.

The staff and Governors value our Christian foundation and you will see this reflected in the high quality of care that we offer to all our children and in the variety of opportunity we offer through our enriched curriculum. We are an inclusive school where all members of our school family are valued as individuals and for the contribution they make to our high academic standards and pastoral care.

Our Christian ethos ensures that children are taught to be thoughtful and generous toward others. Our core values of Respect, Friendship and Trust are used to support the outstanding behaviour in school and children can tell you what the values mean to them. We have high expectations of their work and behaviour but the children know that this is a safe place to make mistakes and to learn from them. We have 12 classes and 360 children with a waiting list of families for each year group.

Working closely with parents is important to us and there are many opportunities for you to become actively involved in the life of the school. The Governors regularly consult with parents and include them in the schools strategic planning processes.

 If you are considering Lindley CE Infant school for your child, I would encourage you to make a visit.  Please contact the school office on 01484 646888 to arrange a visit. Lindley is a large and busy school, but one of our priorities is to ensure that families are kept informed about what is happening in school. We are all here to help, so please ask if you need assistance.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Mrs Kate Dilworth

Head Teacher



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School News Feed

    Latest News

    Welcome back!

    We have had a great first week back in school. It has been lovely to see all our families again as we settle back into school life after the summer. There will be lots of new information coming home regarding your child’s new class and routines. We understand that this may be overwhelming so please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher if you require any clarification at all.

    'Cashpot for Schools' at Asda

    We have signed Lindley Infant School up for the ‘Cashpot For Schools’ initiative with Asda. Every time someone signs up for this, £1 will be donated to our school (make sure to scan your rewards app at the till). In addition to this, every time you shop there, Asda will donate 0.5% of what you spend to us!

    You can sign up for this via the Asda Rewards app. There you will see a link on the homepage which says ‘Introducing Cashpot For Schools’. Click on here and you will be able to pick Lindley Infant School as your chosen school. Please note this scheme is running between 2nd September and 30th November 2024, so please support our fundraising by signing up to this if able - thank you!

    Lindley Infant School is turning 70!

    Our school is 70 at the end of this month and we have a variety of events planned to celebrate this for our children, our school family and wider community to be part of. Keep an eye on the Newsletters for more information on this over the coming weeks!

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