PE Information
PE Uniform
There is one PE session every week and children should have their PE kit in school. This will be sent home at half term to wash. PE uniform is listed below.
A pair of black PE pumps |
A pair of black (close fitting) shorts. |
A plain white T-Shirt (no motif) |
A school logo hoodie available from Direct Workwear on this link Uniform Shop - Lindley Infant School - Page 1 - Direct Workwear (, or a plain Royal Blue hoodie. |
Indoor PE days
Class 1 - Thursday
Class 2 - Wednesday
Class 3 - Monday
Class 4 - Tuesday
Summer Term - Outdoor PE 2024-25
Outdoor PE will start in the Summer Term for Reception children, and your child will need to come to school dressed in their PE clothes on their designated day, which you will be informed of closer to the time. Children can wear black jogging bottoms or shorts and their white PE T-shirt. Please ensure your child has suitable footwear such as trainers. Please ensure that all jumpers and hoodies are clearly labelled with your child's name.
Children will have daily access to physical activities in our outdoor area. Equipment such as a balancing trim trail, bikes, scooters, bats and balls are always available to support the children's physical development.